Drea Stein joins the Roots fm

Drea Stein has worked at St. Louis Public Radio for 28 years. In February 2024, Stein and at least nine others were dismissed from a popular St. Louis community radio station known for showcasing local artists and music. However, this hasn’t stopped Stein from remaining a part of the St. Louis music scene. She recently joined the Free-Form Album Rock internet station, TheRoots bfm, and now hosts a weekly artist spotlight program where she shares her vast knowledge of music and artists with the quickly growing Roots audience.
Being on the airwaves all these years, Stein has interviewed many artists, including David Bromberg, Mickey Hart, and Victor Wooten. Her favorite part of the job is interviewing local artists and playing their music on the air. She enjoys getting to know the artists and allowing her listeners to get to know them. Stein is looking forward to sharing new artists and their music on TheRoots fm and using her extensive music knowledge to showcase various classic rock artists and their music.
Stein and her husband, Tom, have traveled to twenty-two different countries. Their wanderings are so extensive that their four-year-old dog, Hank, has already been to thirty-five states with them. They like to experience the local people and activities when they travel and find people friendly and welcoming. Even when they do not know the local language when traveling abroad, the unique tie-died clothing she creates for herself and her husband helps them get to know people. “Bright colors make people smile,” she says, opening the door to conversation. She even carries tie-dyed shoelaces to give out to people she makes connections with along the way. She recalls when they met a European bartender at a hole-in-the-wall bar, enjoyed his company and the atmosphere, and gave him a pair of shoelaces. Two years later, they returned to the bar, and the bartender greeted them as friends and showed them that he still had the cherished shoelaces.
Stein’s transition to TheRoots fm marks an exciting new chapter in her career. Her enthusiasm is palpable as she discusses the unique opportunities that Internet radio presents. With the freedom from FCC regulations that Internet radio offers, Stein is eager to bring a fresh perspective to Roots listeners worldwide .
Don’t miss out on Stein’s Artist Spotlight show every Thursday at noon and 7 p.m. To tune in, visit TheRootsfm.org online, use the app on your phone, ask Alexa to ‘play Roots FM,’ or use the MyTuner app on your TV. Join us and discover the magic of Stein’s music journey!